
The Life and Times of A Hotel Desk Clerk

Monday, March 5, 2012

You Catch More Bees with Honey, Honey...

Being kind to unkind people:
Someone once told me that you should always be kind to unkind people because they probably need it the most. Well, I call bullshit. The biggest assholes I deal with on a daily basis are rich, arrogant pricks that think they should be treated like the only guests in the whole place. I've had people take my head off for being on the phone when they walk up to desk. Because, you know, I'm supposed to be fucking psychic and know you're walking up to the desk at the exact moment someone calls. I don't know when the human race became so entitled but I pray on a daily basis that I never treat a person the way I'm sometimes treated. The worst part of my job is that I can't just go psycho and tell all the dicks that come in that they're... well... dicks!! I had a cunt (I don't like that word) "lady" once call to make a reservation and I was going through the motions... date of arrival, how many nights, last name, address, credit card... and I asked her to repeat the last 4 digits of her card because the phone made a crackling noise. Heaven forbid this crazy hag had to say 4 fucking numbers one more time. She went off and asked if our hotel was one of those "equal opportunity places that hired retards" and if i was "stupid or something?" I just replied "I apologize ma'am, I couldn't quite hear the last few digits." I mean, people say stuff like this to me all the time and where the hell do they get off treating people like a piece of shit that got stuck to the bottom of their shoe?! It doesn't matter if they're standing in front of me, on the phone or in an email... they're just hateful! If I was out at a restaurant and someone asked me to repeat my order because it was a little hard to hear me, I wouldn't throw my drink in her face and ask if she was fucking retarded, now would I? No normal human being would!! Or maybe being raised in the south was my saving grace because (not to offend) but about 90% of the rude people I encounter on a daily basis are from above WAY ABOVE the Mason Dixon line. I get a few obnoxious southerners sometimes, but it's not nearly on the same level. Here's the thing, I and the rest of the hotel employees, sometimes make mistakes. I get that. If we make a mistake, I go out of my way to fix. If you're a dick, I'm taking 10% off and calling it a night. I'm not bending over backwards for someone who is going to stand in my face and verbally abuse me to make themselves feel so high and mighty. Guess what! If you are nice to the hotel desk clerk or the manager, there's a good chance we'll "accidentally" upgrade your room at no extra cost. We might even throw in a few free snacks from the market or sometimes, for my really great guests, I'll slip them a comped stay their next time in town. If you're calling me the B word and pounding on the counter until you're blue in the face... there is no way in hell I'm giving you any of those perks. I'm a person. Just because I happen to be working at the hotel you're checking into and just because you're paying $130 a night doesn't mean you can treat me like anything less than a person. It would do some people in this world a little good to remember the golden rule:


or perhaps....

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