
The Life and Times of A Hotel Desk Clerk

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jeepers Creepers, Peeper

Peeping tom:
We've had a few incidents recently, where our first floor guests come to the desk complaining that a strange man knocking on or being right outside of their window.  At first we thought it might just be a teenager playing pranks or just someone who wasn't getting enough attention but then we got an alarming call from a hotel nearby telling us there was a man who tried to break into one of their first floor rooms through the window! Of course, we started making sure every window was locked and we always check ID when someone asks for a key card to a room but there are some things we just can't control. So many people filter in and out of the lobby all day, it's hard to tell who's a guest and who's not. I mean, people are always having friends and family stop by or drop in when they stay here so it's really hard to keep up with people coming in and out. Please keep in mind that I can only control the keys. Even after upping security a bit, we were still getting complaints of a man knocking on room windows and then came the complaints about notes. This jackass had started taping notes to the windows that had some pretty perverted sayings on them and apparently he came inside the hotel and slid a note under some little old lady's door that said "FOR A GOOD TIME COME TO ROOM 320." Of course, we had to check room 320 which was in as vacant . We went up to the room just to be sure and it hadn't been touched. Well, after several notes and complaints we knew something had to be done! Lucky for us, right before we started interviewing for security, we got a phone call from another hotel saying the man had been caught. Let me tell you how! This nutter broke into one the rooms at the other hotel and was sitting in the room naked, waiting for someone to be checked into it. A housekeeper over there happened to notice that the door was ajar and she was the one to walk in and find him. I just thank God every single day that I was not the one who had to deal with a naked, crazy man breaking into our hotel room!

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