
The Life and Times of A Hotel Desk Clerk

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Things That Go DRUNK in The Night

Night auditors save lives:
A lot of our front desk employees are students at the nearby college and they all want to go home for the Holiday breaks. Guess who gets to work all the crappy shifts! Your's truly. Out of all of the shifts, night audit is usually the most dreaded but it's not all bad. Night audit is mostly sitting alone in silence. You can watch movies, read a book or knit. Really, whatever you want because after 2am, you rarely see or talk to anyone until 7am. Unfortunately, my night audit shifts fell on the weekend of a home football game. Those are the shifts you DON'T want. Football games mean people are getting hammered. Night audit shifts during a home football game means you are dealing with those people that got hammered. Friday wasn't so bad. There was a little bit of drama with a drunk girl crying over her boyfriend but eventually she went to bed. It was Saturday that almost caused me to quit. I came in at 11pm on Saturday, hoping and praying that everyone had already gotten drunk and cleared out since the game was at Noon. Sadly, they were not gone. The lobby had a big crowd of absolutely wasted people that were playing some insane drinking game where they kept throwing one dollar bills in the air. Yes, REAL money. After a few hours they were so drunk that one guy started throwing 5s and 10s. They finally managed to make it to their rooms, but left at least $60 all over the floor. I put it in an envelope with a room number on it, because I knew what room at least one of the guys was staying in. Hopefully, they stopped by the desk the next day to collect their lost cash. Looking back, I should have kept it because they were all just morons and horrible people. So, it's around 2am and everything was quiet. The cabs were pulling up and dropping off mass amounts of boozers but they all just stumbled to their rooms as I watched in silence. As a few people were still filing out of the cabs, the phone rang. There was a disturbance. Apparently some drunken old lady stumbled out of her room to get ice but couldn't remember which room was her. In her stupor, she just tried to go in every room. Banging on them, yelling... whatever it took to get the door open. I guided her into the correct room and asked the party she was with to please try and control themselves because others were trying to sleep. I went back downstairs hoping that was the end of the drunk drama. How wrong I was! For a few hours everything was calm. I read a few hundred pages of my book and even started to watch a movie on Netflix. 3:30am rolls around.... LET THE CRAZINESS BEGIN!

I get a phone call about another disturbance. Thinking it was the same as last time (drunk person knocking on wrong door), I put my BRB sign on the desk and walked upstairs. As I turn down the hallway, I went into panic mode (at least my panic mode, which was actually calm mode comparatively)! There was a group of young looking people in the hallway and an old man... all surrounding a girl on the floor. The young group was in straight up hysterics. They were crying and shrieking and one of the guys was slapping the girl on the floor in the face. HARD! I had NO IDEA what was happening. I started running and when I got there the old man starts frantically telling me he walked out of his room to get ice and saw the girl just laying there. He tried to wake her up and could get no response. In a panic, he started knocking on surrounding doors until he found her room --- full of youngens playing drinking games --- with hard liquor. This girl was NOT moving. I mean, honestly, if I hadn't checked her pulse myself I would have thought she was dead. Everyone just kept screaming and more people started coming out of their rooms. Someone (I can't even remember who) was on the phone with 911 but I could tell the girl on the floor was either choking or had stopped breathing because she turned really, really white and was completely unresponsive. My panic mode isn't to scream or freak out, it's to do what needs to be done if someone is dying. I turned the girl over on her stomach, picked her up as much as I could and shoved my hand down her throat. I mean, I touched her tonsils!! She started throwing up and coming to a LITTLE bit. I mean, she could still barely open her eyes but at least her color was coming back and she actually had some kind of response. She must have spewed about a GALLON of tequila. It REEKED and was pretty much nothing but pure Jose that was coming out of her. The paramedics showed up and took her and her friends to the hospital. The whole time the paramedic was making her friends thank me for saving the girl's life. The next day, everyone I work with pulled it up on the security cameras and there was one part where I was shaking one of her friends that was crying. I DO NOT REMEMBER DOING THAT. So, I even looked a little shaken up in the video but when shit gets real, you need to stop crying and take action!! The girl's mom called the hotel to thank me because the hospital said there was a good chance she wouldn't have made it if I didn't make her throw up. 

What can I say... other than I'm NEVER working night audit again.

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