So I know I usually gripe in my posts and complain about all the horrible guests but the truth is, I do like my job. It's always easier to post about the bad stuff because it's funnier to read and it helps me vent about the morons of the world. For every complaint I get, there is always 2 or 3 compliments to match it and some guests are just so awesome, I want them to stay all the time. One of the best parts of my job is getting free stuff and finding tips in the key card envelopes with little notes like "Thanks for being so kind and helpful." Sometimes it'll just be the note, but it still makes me feel just as good as if they put a hundred dollar bill in my hand! Of course, everyone likes getting free stuff. Who wouldn't, right? I saw a lady give the creepy houseman a $5 gift card to Subway and he skipped through the lobby for like 10 minutes. This one dude always brings me a new martini recipe or a jar of some new olives he knew I just had to have! My job is also pretty sweet when conferences and career expos stay here because during checkout they realize they brought way too many t-shirts, hats, pens, etc. I have collected Royal Royce shirts, Rawling Sporting Goods shirts, Budweiser shirts, fireman hats, farmer hats, fresh strawberries, home brews and even coupons to local restaurants just from career fairs! It's pretty awesome. If you know me then you know there's probably no chance that I actually wear a giant straw hat or a fireman's hat that says "Little Hero," and I don't really like to use coupons at local, small businesses but it's still fun to get things. Most of the stuff I get, I just give to little kids that stay here or to the other employees that really want it. I do keep my tips and I LOVE the food. My favorite is when a guest comes down with pizza and says, "Oops! Looks like we ordered too much and thought you might like some lunch!" Yessss! I always forget to pack lunch and we don't get to leave for a lunch like most normal jobs allow. Soooo, I totes want your pizza! Another favorite of mine is when conferences have catered meetings here and they have the caterers make plates for everyone at the desk. Talk about deeeeelicious! Maybe the reason I always forget my lunch is because I secretly hope randos will serve me amazing food. If that makes me sound like a fatty, so be it! Gift cards are a key item too. I once got a $25 gift card to Kroger because I was working on Christmas Day (which did suck!) and this old lady from the local church felt bad for me and thought it was just SO mean that the hotel made me work on Jesus's birthday! Hey, I'll take your pity if it means free groceries for me!
Football season is the best time of the year to work here because we get bonuses when we sell out and the regulars are AMAZING. This one lady ALWAYS brings us a homemade chocolate chip cake and it literally tastes like little baby angels delivered it from Heaven. God bless that woman and her baking skills. The younger guys are probably the best gift givers, though, because they are constantly throwing six packs of beer at us or liquor. "Aww Shit! This won't fit in our cooler, darlin'! Here, you take it!" Oh, me? Sure thing! All in all, as much as I complain about the petty, nitpicking human beings that stay here, we do have our fair share of really awesome guests and the perks that come with them aren't too bad either!
you are crackin' me up! People are so insane/wonderful. I think you should compile your stories into a book, seriously.